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Attorney Ambar Maceo Appointed Chair of the Young Lawyers Sub-Committee of the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

by | Nov 19, 2019 | Firm News

Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Attorney Ambar Maceo has been recently selected to be the Chair of the Young Lawyers Sub-Committee of the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

The Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (MACDL) is the only statewide association of lawyers in Massachusetts devoted exclusively to serving all segments of the defense bar. The mission of MACDL’s is to preserve the adversary system of justice; to maintain and foster independent and able criminal defense lawyers and to ensure justice and due process for persons accused of crime. MACDL will be an advocate for the advocate.

“I am excited to participate and help lead the Young Lawyers Sub-Committee of MACDL, the organization does important work and advocacy and I am proud to play a role in the organization’s future planning efforts.”

MACDL has a number of upcoming events including a brown bag lunch, New Sentencing Computation Issues, with Lee Gartenberg, Director of Inmate Services at the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office. Attorney Gartenberg will help us understand the new policies concerning earned good time, completion credits, and other sentencing computation issues that affect our clients serving state prison sentences.

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