Your case is our cause. Standing together. Fighting for victory.

A Law Firm Offering Reliable, Strategic Homicide Defense

The taking of another human life is one of the most serious crimes a person can be charged with. If you or someone you love has been charged with murder or manslaughter, you need the help of a skilled and serious attorney who can ignore the public spectacle surrounding the case and focus on the important facts.

When you contact [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″], that’s exactly what you’ll get. Our attorneys, Victoria Kelleher and Ambar Maceo-Rossi, have over than 35 combined years of legal experience, including significant experience in murder trials. Their sharp skills and strategies will serve you well, both in and out of the courtroom.

You were born to be victorious. Let us fight for your cause together.

Understanding The Different Charges And Terms

While murder and homicide are often used interchangeably, they have different meanings in Massachusetts. The term homicide is used to describe a situation in which a person has killed another person, but does not suggest intent.

By contrast, murder is used to describe the intentional killing of another person (or killing someone during the commission of a felony). Manslaughter occurs when someone kills another person unintentionally, typically through reckless or negligent conduct.

When it comes to murder charges, there are further distinctions to be made. They include:

First-degree murder: A person can be charged with first-degree murder under two circumstances. The first is when prosecutors believe that the intentional killing was premeditated (planned in advance). The second is when the defendant killed someone (intentionally or otherwise) during the commission of a different serious felony (such as mortally wounding a bystander during a robbery). The consequences for conviction can be increased if a jury finds that the defendant engaged in extreme cruelty or atrocity in committing the murder.

Second-degree murder: These charges are related to a killing that was intentional but not premeditated. That is, the defendant allegedly intended to kill another person, but the decision to do so was made in the heat of the moment rather than planned in advance.

A Skilled Defense Attorney Can Make A Big Difference

The line between first-degree murder, second-degree murder and manslaughter is not always clear, but prosecutors will nonetheless charge the most serious crime they believe they can prove. When you work with [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″], we will do everything possible to minimize the charges you face and to build a steadfast defense. This might entail:

  • Arguing for reduced or dismissed charges based on the evidence (or lack of evidence) in the case
  • Conducting a thorough and independent investigation to expose flaws in the prosecution’s case
  • Filing motions to suppress as much evidence as possible, particularly if it was collected in a manner that violated your Constitutional rights
  • Asserting the most effective defense claims available in your case, which could include providing an alibi for you at the time of the murder, challenging the identification or arguing that the murder was self-defense

The specific defense strategies we use will depend on the details of your case. And you can rest assured that our attorneys’ experience and knowledge of Massachusetts homicide laws allows them to make targeted and effective defense strategy recommendations.

Tell Your Side Of The Story During A Free Consultation

From our office in Boston, [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-3″], we serve the Greater Boston Metro area, and we offer free initial consultations to all prospective clients. To schedule yours, call us at [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-REGULAR-NUMBER-1″] or send us an email. Hablamos Español.